Valhalla 15 - Vølvens Syner

Henning Kure, Me, Peter Madsen, Sissel Bøe - foto Henrik Andreasen

Yesterday I was at Faraos Cigarer in Copenhagen, to sign the latest and last Valhalla album, together with Peter Madsen & Henning Kure. The occation was the release of the 15'th Valhalla album. The first album came out 08.09.79, so I guess the release date 08.09.09 wasn't that bad of a date to set the final stroke in an amazing serie about the norse gods.
I'm always quite amazed of how many people showing up to get the latest album - or maybe it was the free beers ? :). Anyway, the album turned out great, so feel free to visit Peters website to check it out ..:).